Friday, 24 August 2012

bv cures - Classification of Bacteria

What attracted me to a microbiologist was the world of invisible organisms. There are millions and billions of these microscopic organisms in and around us. For an ordinary person, it may be little difference between bacteria vs. virus. Bacteria are unicellular microorganisms in various forms. There are different types of bacteria, beneficial bacteria and pathogenic bacteria. Beneficial bacteria help the fermentation of food and drink, so that antibiotics kill the parasites, even digesting food. Pathogenic bacteria, on the other hand, are the main cause of diseases that are caused by bacteria. To distinguish between useful and harmful bacteria, scientists have developed a scientific classification of bacteria.

The classification aids in the identification of bodies by the stakeholders. These groups include organizations that share common characteristics and properties of another organism to another group. The classification of bacteria carried by the medical significance was determined by the "grief reaction" for all these years. Gram reaction is a medical test after Christian Gram, who came up with the process name in 1884. He found that the organizations capacity, crystal violet iodine complex after treatment with organic solvents, such as to maintain alcohol and acetone.

Organizations that retain the stain are gram-positive color and appearance of purple or blue-black under brightfield Microbiology. Those who hold the dye complex may not need to be stained with fuchsin as cons, and are also Gram-negative bacteria. In collaboration with the Gram-reaction, the scientists also take the form of bacteria to classify them. There are different types of forms like bacteria: cocci (round), bacilli (rod-shaped or stick) or a spiral.

Scientific classification of bacteria based on the manual Bergy

Bergy's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology is like the Holy Testament for us microbiologist. This manual is the guiding light for a microbiologist to identify bacterial species and understanding their properties. This manual is published for the first time David Hendricks Bergy in 1923 and contributed to the classification of their structure and functional properties. The following table shows the classification of bacteria that form and function according to Bergy's manual.

The classification is incomplete, a microbiologist, until he / she can not place any and all bacteria in their specific groups. The following is a chart with the names of most bacterial species contained in specific groups according to their Gram reaction and the specific group.

Classification of bacteria of medical interest, the reaction of Gram-positive
This classification was undertaken in 1984 and represents the cocci rods, forming endospores and non-Spöring, mycobacteria, non-filamentous actinomycetes in this group.

Classification of bacteria of medical interest, the reaction of Gram-negative
This classification was undertaken in 1986 and placed spirochetes, spiral and curved, aerobic bacteria and facultative anaerobes obligate aerobes rods, aerobic and anaerobic cocci, sulfate and sulfur-reducing, rickettsia, clamydias, mycoplasma in this group .

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